Leadership lessons from the Premier League: Six things we learned from Paul McVeigh

In this episode of the Workday podcast, we speak to footballer-turned-psychologist Paul McVeigh about his career in football, the psychology of high-performing teams and what business leaders can learn from the Premier League.



When it comes to building a high-performance culture, there’s a lot that people leaders can learn from the world of professional football. As one of the most competitive environments in the world, the difference between those who thrive in the Premier League and those who don't, often comes down to mindset.

Premier League footballer-turned-psychologist Paul McVeigh joined us on the Workday podcast to discuss this further. Paul spent nearly 20 years playing top-flight football in the UK for teams including Tottenham Hotspur, Norwich City and Luton Town, as well as playing internationally for Northern Ireland. Following his playing career, he became the first Premier League footballer to qualify with a master's degree in psychology. 

There’s a lot that people-leaders can learn from the world of professional football.

Here are six things we learned from Paul:

1. Psychological wellbeing is the most important ingredient when it comes to creating high-performing teams

“I think it's everything,” Paul says. However, when he started his football career, the concept of psychological wellbeing was almost unheard of. 

“It was the complete opposite of what it is today. There was none. You pretty much needed to go in and try to be the alpha male. You'd have to be the kind of old-fashioned leader, the one who was shouting the loudest, beating their chest the loudest, beating their head against walls.”

The concept of psychological wellbeing was almost unheard of. 

2. A data-driven approach transformed the world of professional football during Paul’s playing career

When Paul signed his first contract with Tottenham Hotspur in 1994, football was a very different profession to the one he left in 2010, when his career ended. And he thinks a lot of businesses are still stuck in the 90s.

“There are still so many people, so many companies and industries – that's the way they do it. They push as hard as they can to try and squeeze every drop of productivity out of that person. And they go, ‘Right, thanks very much’ as soon as they can't do it anymore. And that was exactly what professional football was like in the 1990s.” 

In 1994, Tottenham became one of the first teams in the league to hire a sports scientist. Fast-forward 30 years and football has changed a lot. 

“I actually left my role a couple of years ago as the sports psychologist at Crystal Palace. And just in the youth academy, there were two sports scientists, two strength and conditioning coaches, two physios, a masseur, a doctor, a nutritionist, a yoga teacher and me as the psychologist. You're just thinking, ‘It's miles away, miles apart.’”


3. The best leaders give people the space to learn from their mistakes

And when it comes to learning from the best in the business, Paul looks no further than treble-winning Manchester City Manager, Pep Guardiola. 

“In the footballing world today, there's probably no one better than Pep Guardiola when it comes to telling his players time after time, ‘Do it this way, and if you make mistakes, I'll keep backing you. And I'll keep rewarding you by putting you on the team even if you're making mistakes.’”

The best leaders give people the space to learn from their mistakes.

4. One book changed Paul’s life

Early on in Paul’s career, a friend gave him a copy of ‘Awaken the Giant Within’ by Anthony Robbins, which sparked his interest in psychology. 

“It just completely challenged every single thing that I ever thought, all the way down to being an Irish Catholic and just growing up in that world and going, ‘Just because I've been told that, is that something I need to believe?’”

“That was such a game-changer for me. I'm a 17-year-old kid. I'm not doing particularly well in the youth team. I'm not keeping up. What a surprise. I'm not keeping up athletically with these guys, because I just wasn't living the lifestyle. So my challenge was, ‘How do I change my life so that I can achieve what I want to achieve, so I can be what I want to be, do what I want to do and have what I want to have in my life?’”

“And Anthony Robbins had it in his book where, essentially, your mindset will dictate what your life looks like.”

Culture is what separates high-performing teams from under-achievers.

5. Culture is what separates high-performing teams from under-achievers 

During his football career, Paul has been part of both successful and unsuccessful teams. For him, the key thing that set them apart from one another was culture. 

“And that's because the standards that are set every single day will dictate whether you can be part of that high-performance environment or if actually, it's not for you.”

He gives the example of Champions League winner Paul Lambert, who managed Norwich City during Paul’s time at the club, as someone who always maintained high standards and cultivated a strong winning culture.

“He just wouldn't miss a beat. His observation skills across everything, he wouldn't let the standards slip for one second.”


6. As well as a footballer and a psychologist, Paul is a published author

To counter the misconception that footballers are stupid, Paul got himself a publishing deal. 

“It was when I finished playing in 2010 that, a year later, I went to Bloomsbury and I was like, ‘I've got an idea for a book called ‘The Stupid Footballer Is Dead’, and this is what it's going to be about.’ And they ended up giving me a publishing deal.” 

Leadership Lessons
Posted in:  smartCHRO Magazine

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