Top 4 Small Business Technology Trends in 2024

Headlines are constantly being made about tech trends for large enterprises—but what if that’s not your company? Learn how the latest technologies impact small businesses up through medium enterprises.

Two small business workers looking at a tablet.

Whether you’re a fast growing start-up or a medium enterprise ready to IPO, technology represents a major opportunity for small business owners to close the gap with large corporations. As old tools become obsolete and new tools crowd the marketplace, identifying the right tech solution can be the difference between a successful expansion and a failed one.

In late 2023, SMB Group found that 59% of small and medium businesses (SMBs) expected to increase their technology spending in 2024. But how did businesses decide to spend that money, and how will those budgets change in the years to come? Workday recently spoke with Laurie McCabe, co-founder of SMB Group, to discuss the changing impact of technology on small and medium businesses and the tech trends that are defining 2024.

The Importance of Tech for Small Businesses

The majority of small and medium businesses already use a wide range of technologies to support their daily operations. Whether it’s a customer relationship management (CRM) system to manage customer information or employee engagement software to gather real-time feedback, a well-connected suite of digital tools has long since been essential for businesses of every size to remain competitive.

But how does technology help small businesses specifically? This SMB Group report identified the top benefits technology provided at organizations with fewer than 2,500 employees:

  • 34% said it improved connections with customers, partners, and suppliers
  • 34% saw cost savings from automation, with a further 33% identifying time savings as well
  • 32% valued the access provided to better data for decision-making

Accordingly, SMBs were most likely to cite investing in new technology as their top strategic initiative for 2024. Technology investment was particularly popular for larger SMBs, implying that technology is a major factor in expansion. It was the top priority at 59% of companies with 1,000 to 2,500 employees versus 33% of companies with 100 to 249 employees. For businesses looking to enable sustainable growth, technology holds the keys to success.

At Workday, we’ve helped thousands of SMBs expand to new horizons—nearly 75% of our user base is made up of SMBs.

The 4 SMB Technology Trends Defining 2024

With so many products and services crowding the market, SMBs must be diligent in their procurement process. That means identifying which tools are cost-effective, offer strong integrations, and have robust data security. Not only that, it means discerning which trends are temporary, and which trends are here to stay.

As we look ahead to 2025, it’s important for businesses to outline their strategy based on this year’s major developments. With that in mind, here are the four technology trends that have already defined 2024 and that will continue to top the list in 2025.

1. Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

If 2023 saw the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) market explode, that trend shows no signs of abating in 2024. Two-thirds of SMBs say that AI has already had a large or moderate impact on their organization to date. The question remains: what further impacts can these businesses expect to see, and where will AI go from here?

According to this report on the impact of AI on SMBs, the top benefits were:

  • The ability to analyze data for better decision-making (39%)
  • Having better access to information for faster decision-making (35%)
  • Providing better analysis for planning and forecasting (34%)
  • Freeing employees to do higher-value work (32%)
  • Helping to spot potential problems or anomalies (30%)

Moving forward, small and medium businesses will increasingly rely on AI to provide data-driven support across functions, streamlining operations and empowering employees. In fact, a majority of SMBs said they’d pay extra for AI features embedded in solutions they already use. As growing SMBs continue to seek scalable solutions, embedded AI represents a major fast track to value.

2. Choosing Ready-to-Go Solutions

For businesses looking to expand rapidly, hitting the ground running is more important than ever. Legacy systems with long, convoluted setup periods and complex interfaces are no longer viable. That’s why software that’s ready to go and user-friendly has been a major priority in 2024.

Of SMBs that invest in new technology tools 57% rank ease of use as very important. A further 48% say built-in connections and integrations to other tools are very important. Across the board, SMBs are prioritizing adaptable solutions that produce results fast and directly meet employees’ needs. By identifying solutions that are quick to deploy, offer a simple user experience, and have proven customer satisfaction, SMBs are better positioned for continued growth.

Expansion can’t come at the cost of efficiency, however. As with any decision that impacts your entire workforce, it’s important that employees have the opportunity to provide feedback. McCabe explains, “Always remember to kick the tires. Make sure any prospective solutions are tested with the people who are actually going to be using them.”

80% of SMBs were likely to select a cloud/SaaS solution the next time they purchased a financial management solution.

3. Moving Small Businesses to the Cloud

The age of in-house IT teams managing traditional HR and finance systems is coming to an end. The global cloud computing market size surpassed $559.2 billion in 2023. With a CAGR of 17%, Precedence Research estimates it will hit $2297.37 billion by 2032. As more and more companies take a cloud-based approach, the clock is ticking for those that haven’t made the jump.

But how has such a major shift impacted small and medium businesses?

SMB Group found that 80% of SMBs were likely to select a cloud/SaaS solution the next time they purchased a financial management solution. A further 79% were likely to deploy cloud solutions for HR, sales, marketing and communication, and services. As technology continues to evolve, businesses are finding the most value in cloud platforms that change with the times.

The main reasons SMBs are moving to the cloud in 2024 and beyond include:

  • Artificial intelligence at the source: Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly critical to business success. That’s why SMBs are prioritizing cloud solutions with built-in AI, improving efficiency and results.
  • Improved security: As SMBs scale, maintaining data security is increasingly costly. With cutting-edge cybersecurity measures embedded from day one, cloud solutions provide peace of mind.
  • Streamlined processes: Cloud platforms provide SMBs with a unified single source of truth. That means easier integrations with other applications, better self-service options, and smoother user experience.
  • Forever forward: Cloud platforms, by their nature, are always moving forward. With regular updates and launches, working in the cloud means you’re always at the forefront of new developments.

4. Aligning Technology Spend with Strategy

Nothing exposes the gaps in an organization’s strategy more than rapid growth, and nowhere is that truer than with technology. Accordingly, SMB Group found that a majority of SMBs plan to match their investment in technology to their strategic initiatives in the future. Small business owners should no longer view technology as just one aspect of their overall business strategy—it’s one of the main drivers of growth.

Here are the top five strategic initiatives for SMBs, and the percentages that plan to use new technologies to support them:

  • Improving programs to attract, engage, and reskill or upskill employees (80%)
  • Strengthening data protection and cybersecurity (78%)
  • Strengthening online, digital, and social media presence (75%)
  • Improving financial management and compliance practices (75%)
  • Implementing new customer service practices to enhance responsiveness (74%)

As well as aligning your spend with your strategy, it’s also important to ensure that the scope of your spend is well understood. That means choosing a solution with a fixed price and a fixed scope. McCabe explains, “Your vendor should always have transparent pricing, with a contract that doesn’t leave room for surprises.”

Two-thirds of SMBs say that AI has already had a large or moderate impact on their organization to date.

How Workday Supports Growing Businesses of Every Size

As a small business or medium enterprise, choosing your next finance or HR solution isn’t about choosing a product—it’s about choosing a partner for long-term growth.

At Workday, we’ve helped thousands of SMBs expand to new horizons—in fact, nearly 75% of our user base is made up of SMBs. From small and medium businesses to the Fortune 500, the best-performing companies rely on Workday to outpace their competitors.

The world of work is changing rapidly, and our solutions are no different. We unite finance and HR on one open and connected cloud platform, with AI embedded at the core. Whether you’re looking to expand internationally, preparing for mergers and acquisitions, or hiring to prepare for the year ahead, our approach ensures your business needs will never outgrow Workday.

Learn more about how Workday solutions support the continued growth of organizations of all sizes.

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