Rising to the Top: Unveiling Our Workday Customer Award Winners

At our Community Keynote at Workday Rising, we announced this year’s Workday North America Customer Award Winners. Read on to learn how these organizations are creating value and innovating to drive their organizations forward.

Workday Rising North America Customer Awards

At Workday, we take every opportunity to celebrate our customers while ensuring we provide our 10,500+ customers outstanding service. Workday Rising allows us to recognize the collaboration, innovation, and connection that makes our customers shine. We love partnering with you and seeing you at the top of your game, making decisions and executing strategies that drive your organizations forever forward.

This year, we took customer recognition to another level with our first-ever North America Customer Awards. Announced during our Community Keynote, the awards include Finance for the Future, Global Workplace Transformation, Powering Innovation, Rapid Time to Value, and Industry Hero

These awards were truly a community effort. Based on hundreds of nominations submitted over the past year, it was no easy task for our diverse panel of judges (consisting of Workday leaders, customers, and industry analysts) to select just a handful of winners. Read on to learn more about these rockstar North American Customer Award Winners. 

Team Car Care: Finance for the Future

Team Car Care receives the Finance for the Future award.


Prior to its digital transformation, Team Car Care faced challenges across finance, analytics, and supply chain. As the largest franchisee of Jiffy Lube stores, the finance team supported 500 outlets in 26 states. But relying on siloed spreadsheets as its source of truth made financial planning difficult. And a market boom during the COVID-19 pandemic only exacerbated the challenge.

At first, Team Car Care was searching for an automated planning tool, but then shifted to a full overhaul of its enterprise resource planning (ERP) and human capital management (HCM) systems. It selected Workday to combine finance, HCM, and planning into a unified platform. It’s also leveraging Workday Adaptive Planning, Workday Intelligent Demand Forecasting, and Workday Accounting Center for real-time data and machine learning capabilities, helping inform business decisions and saving time for more strategic business operations.


With the finance, HR, and planning functions connected, collaboration and efficiency have improved. The team even achieved a 40% increase in planning scenarios. Moving from over 50 spreadsheets to a centralized system has reduced time spent on forecast scenarios from a month to mere days, and has enabled consistent data visibility across functions resulting in greater transparency across the business. 

Employees have been freed from tedious spreadsheet tasks, enabling them to spend more time supporting business strategy. “Workday has been a game changer for us,” says Pranay Arya, manager of corporate financial planning and analysis and data science. “It’s easier for us to partner across the business now that we’re on the same page using real-time data.” 

Key Innovation:

The team’s use of machine learning within Workday allowed it to transform its operations from reactive to proactive. For example, the team is using AI to predict how weather might impact foot traffic into their stores. This in turn allows the team to predict how much inventory is needed at each location and drive automated replenishment. All of which results in time and money saved. 

This predictive capability, combined with Workday’s real-time data analytics, empowers informed decision-making across business operations. Team Car Care evolved into an enterprise able to navigate a shifting market landscape and grow with operational excellence. 

Plexus: Global Workplace Transformation

Plexus Corp. is honored with the Global Workplace Transformation award.


Plexus had a job catalog—a database of all the company's roles—with 5,800 job profiles. Yet it lacked an effective job catalog management system, resulting in a problematic data set. This meant the team couldn’t trust if job profiles were accurate or relevant, which caused multiple business challenges, including having to delay other planned operational initiatives. With aspirations to become a $10 billion global company, Plexus could no longer afford to be bogged down by any inefficient systems. So Plexus decided it needed to make a change.


Through its transformation efforts, the team at Plexus has improved data integrity not only for the job catalog, but also across HR and the broader organization. Because data is more accessible now, more team members are leveraging people data across Plexus to inform their area of the business and ability to leverage future innovation from Workday.

In addition, with an improved job catalog, Plexus could right-size for compensation and job level. This has resulted in better pay and transparency for employees. With one global standard network of jobs, employees have more visibility into career planning across the organization. 

Key Innovation:

The team learned that to innovate and scale its business overall, it first needed to standardize and do the dirty work of cleaning up its data. It gathered over 100 leaders to align on a standard approach before deploying its improved job catalog. Plexus is now better optimizing its Workday investment.

Workday Rising allows us to recognize the collaboration, innovation, and connection that makes our customers shine.

Thomson Reuters: Powering Innovation

Thomson Reuters is recognized with the Powering Innovation award.


Thomson Reuters has been a technology innovator for over 30 years. It has consistently applied language models and AI to launch industry-leading innovations for customers. To ensure it remains innovative, Thomson Reuters realized it needed to further invest in its technology and employee population. 


Thomas Reuters is using Workday Human Capital Management to improve employee engagement and satisfaction, retain top talent, and attract new hires.

It’s using AI capabilities in Workday to automate routine tasks and convert documents in traditional formats into digital articles. This enables employees to focus their time and effort on higher level work. And when employees want to find career or learning opportunities, Workday Assistant helps point them in the right direction.

Key Innovation:

Thomson Reuters is an early adopter of Workday Skills Cloud and Workday Illuminate. This enables the company to increase career advancement for employees and expand employee learning opportunities.

Vertex, Inc.: Rapid Time to Value

Vertex, Inc. accepts the Rapid Time to Value award.


Vertex, Inc. was expanding globally, but it faced operational performance and agility issues, including managing regulatory compliance, due to outdated systems and processes. “We had to take a step back and reimagine everything in the Vertex operation,” explains Vertex CIO Ben Askin.


Using Workday Financial Management and Workday Human Capital Management, Vertex reduced its stock-keeping unit (SKU) inventory by 93% to optimize its operational infrastructure, which allowed for a lot more time back for its employees.  Streamlining cut operations costs throughout the back office and employee satisfaction has risen as result of the simplicity of the Workday platform.

Teams were also able to shift focus to strategic growth initiatives rather than endless administrative tasks. The shift also improved compliance accuracy and efficiency, which is crucial for a business spanning multiple jurisdictions. 

Key Innovation:

Using Workday’s integrated solutions to achieve a significant simplification in operations is itself transformative. The innovation lies in the approach Vertex adopted—using technology to drive performance, agility, rapid growth, and operational excellence.

Bon Secours Mercy Health: Industry Hero

Bon Secours Mercy Health receives the Industry Hero award.


Bon Secours and Mercy Health (BSMH) faced the same industry-wide crises as other healthcare providers: talent shortages and financial pressures. Understanding that the future of health demanded a different business foundation, it needed a better system to improve employee experience and retention, optimize upskilling, and manage labor costs—all while remaining agile. 


BSMH uses Workday to execute on its reimagined talent strategy, accelerate value from mergers and acquisitions, and advance a digitally integrated supply chain.  

It’s improved internal talent mobility, optimized labor resources, and raised workforce satisfaction amid industry challenges around margin pressure, shifting skill sets, and the urgent need for clinical talent. As a result, BSMH has reduced clinician burnout and become a destination workplace. Furthermore, BSMH is using Workday as the reporting source of truth. With Workday, the BSMH team makes data-driven decisions by analyzing and accurately estimating spend.

Key Innovation:

As an early adopter of Workday Prism Analytics, BSMH built employee flight-risk analytics models with Workday data combined with its employee experience data. Leaders can now see areas impacting critical clinical functions, predict vacancies, and adjust their model of care to provide quality patient outcomes.

To maximize the value of Workday, BSMH became a foundational partner in designing Workday Supply Chain Management for Healthcare to ensure it would scale to accommodate complex health systems. And it’s the first—and remains the largest—multinational healthcare customer using the full suite of Workday products, supporting sites of care across seven states and Ireland. 

With mergers and acquisitions at an all-time high, BSMH cited an average of 20 per year, noting the ease of access for big data migrations with Workday offers flexibility and scalability. Accordingly, the team moved forward with remote deployments, bringing five separate hospital acquisitions live on their Workday tenant in a six-month period.

Finally, BSMH continuously serves as a design partner and customer advisory board member, as employees across HR, finance, and supply chain management remain active participants on Workday Community and volunteer to present at Workday events to share insights and innovations with peers. 

Congratulations again to these incredible customers and their successes with Workday! We are yours in partnership–always.

Learn more about the North America Customer Award Winners.

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