The Power to Adapt: Moving Beyond the ERP of the Past

As the global stage continues to evolve, organizations must have the right technology in place to navigate a constantly changing world. Learn how Workday Enterprise Management Cloud Platform is enabling adaptable organizations.

Market changes, global disruptions, competitive pressures, and rapid innovations in technology are shifting the business landscape faster than ever before. At the same time, the world’s workforce is undergoing a massive transformation in how, when, and where employees work. Add shifting industry dynamics—such as competitive movements, changing customer expectations and behaviors, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) and compliance mandates—and you’ll see why companies must innovate or be left behind. 

There is a gap between increasing demands on the business and an organization’s ability to keep up. In short, the race to digital transformation is on—and CIOs are leading the charge. To keep from falling behind, they must move beyond ERP toward an approach that enables adaptability. This is critical for businesses to be able to innovate more, grow faster, and better engage employees. 

With Workday, that flexibility is built in. Workday Enterprise Management Cloud Platform is designed to close the gap between business demands and an organization’s digital strategy, and it contains five core elements that work together to deliver adaptability:

  1. True cloud. Provides a resilient, elastic, and secure service architecture with all customers running on the same version. Every Workday customer receives weekly releases of new capabilities so no one is left behind.
  2. Intelligent data core. Brings external data together with Workday people and finance data, forging a unified source of truth for a decision-ready organization.
  3. Configurable frameworks. Frees the business from IT dependence for process and operational changes while confidently retaining security and durability. 
  4. Business-optimized developer environment. Provides interoperability and life cycle tools that integrate, connect, and extend the value of Workday through new integrations, apps, and experiences.
  5. Personalized, omnichannel experience. Keeps employees actively involved in a tailored workflow, elevating productivity and engagement.

Working seamlessly within your IT ecosystem, Workday Enterprise Management Cloud Platform is designed to bring adaptability and innovation to the management of your people and finances. 

Interested in learning more? Download our eBook “Workday Enterprise Management Cloud Platform: The Power to Adapt” to discover how organizations can move beyond the ERP model of the past. 

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