Leveraging Intelligent Technologies in Workday

Intelligent technologies have huge potential for Workday applications and customers. Here are some examples of how we’re building intelligent technologies in our products to help make your organization smarter.

As a working mom with four kids, I can think of many ways intelligent technologies could improve my family dynamics. Like an app on my phone that tells me my teenager ate all the leftovers, so I need to stop by the grocery store on the way home. Or one that predicts a squabble or silent treatment is coming, so I should sharpen my diplomacy or mind-reading skills. Imagine all the conflict we could deflect!

And of course, I can do more than imagine the potential that intelligent technologies will have for Workday applications and customers. They are foundational to our innovation and increasingly used to power our products and services.

While this topic doesn’t fall under the category of Workday Services Team news, which I typically write about in this column, I wanted to share a few examples of how we’re building intelligent technologies in our products to help make your organization smarter:

Workday Learning. This application uses machine learning to deliver personalized learning recommendations to help people grow and develop their careers. Employees are guided to learn new skills and take on new challenges based on their preferences, topics of interest, and current role, with algorithms that automatically pinpoint relationships in data and evolve with experience.

Workday Prism Analytics.  Data from one source is fine, but to be competitive today, you need a bigger picture. Workday Prism Analytics lets you bring together data from many sources and analyze finance and HR use cases within your own system. Need to compare how employee engagement affects attrition rates in your offices around the world? Workday Prism Analytics can show you. This insight will help you make more informed decisions about how to improve business performance across your organization

As you think about leveraging intelligent technologies in your own company, balancing process and people, culture and cost, here are some additional resources Workday has been working on to help you:

  • We recently published the white paper, “Enterprise Intelligence: A New Frontier for Innovation.” It begins with a technology overview and examples of the positive impacts already being made by artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics, as well as how it benefits the enterprise. It continues with a look at policy issues around intelligent technologies, and a suggested path forward for the private and public sectors.
  • We’re all adapting to the changes that intelligent technologies bring, and we’ve developed the Workday AI Maturity Model as a framework to help you build your own strategy around it. Along with each stage, we have also highlighted ways to help your workforce adapt to the inevitable changes that intelligence brings to their roles and work.

At Workday, we’ll continue investing in our platform and applications to help people leverage intelligent technologies to transform their businesses, while staying true to our mission to place people at the center of the enterprise.

And if you know of an app on how to get a third grader to eat vegetables, call me.

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